Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
Is your destiny being sabotaged? Are you tired of repeating the same mistakes and watching your life and dr…
Is your destiny being sabotaged? Are you tired of repeating the same mistakes and watching your life and dr…
Date: All 4 Saturdays in September: the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th. On these four Saturdays, Dr Anya will be
broadcasting live into your living rooms life-changing tips on how to know who
to marry, starting at 8.00pm WAT each of the days.
Read: Mistakes Of Esau: 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
Make your calendar now.
Knowing who to marry is crucial if you want to have a fulfilling and
blissful marriage. And Dr Anya Oko is
an authority in the area of marriage and relationship coaching. He is the author of the bestselling book on love,
sex, relationship, and happy living. The
issue is one he is passionate about because he believes that the topics of
love, sex, relationship, and happy living affect everyone without exception.
They are at the centre of everything we do in life. To Know More About Dr Anya Oko,
or have access to his wealth of knowledge and resources, connect with
him Here
Make this September a September to remember. To register for "How To Know Who
To Marry", click Here and ensure to share with
loved ones.
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