Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
Do you feel like you're repeating the same mistakes and missing out on your dreams? Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Ha…
Do you feel like you're repeating the same mistakes and missing out on your dreams? Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Ha…
Someone said that financial success or the ability to create wealth is not a secret and that for you to be rich all you need to do is just follow common principles and laws guiding financial prosperity. As logical as that is, it’s only true to the extent that when these inner secrets of financial success and wealth creation are revealed they look too simple to matter such a great deal. The undeniable truth is that the world lies in secrecy and no one can enjoy true wealth unless the secrets are revealed to him/her.
Even the Holy Book made it absolutely clear "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things which are revealed and disclosed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may do all of the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29. Labor has its place but no one becomes rich by labor alone. You need to be aware of some secrets and that is what this post aims to achieve.
These secrets that are to be unveiled and demystified for you in the lines of this article [The Inner Secretes of Financial Success and Wealth Creation] are the very reason some are poor and complain daily about how difficult it is to make money, to survive in their country. Whereas in that same locality, another person is making millions even in the same business or job they tried but failed and you may be wondering why? SECRETS! The writer of Proverbs says
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Proverbs 25:2
Perhaps there are questions in your mind, such as
Those are legitimate questions and concerns. YES! There are also outer secrets. We live in a world of duality as such for there to be inner secrets means that there are other secrets. I am tempted to go into comparison, but that won’t do us any good as both the inner and the outer secrets play a complementary role in our success.
However, the outer secrets are what we read and learn about every day. It is even being taught in various business schools, seminars, and workshops. They include general business principles such as time and money management, and human and material resources management, among others. You will agree with me that most people know and practice good management principles, but unfortunately, most people are still poor. That could be a pointer to the fact that the out secrets alone are not enough. Beyond knowing and practicing these outer secrets such as time management and other money management strategies you most importantly need the complement of the inner secret if your aim is to create wealth. The inner secret remains the missing link between the poor and the wealthy. In other words, it takes the combination of both the outer and the inner secrets to be rich.
Let’s put it this way; the outer secrets [laws, principles, strategies, and what have you] are the mechanics [engine] in the equation of financial success and building wealth. As is commonsensical that to get any engine moving and productive you need a lubricant and the lubricant the engine [outer secrets] needs to start producing is the inner secrets. The engine cannot move without it being lubricated and any attempt to move it without first lubricating its wheels wearies and knocks the engine. I am such you won’t dare drive your car without engine oil in the engine.
The labor of the foolish wearies every one of them, because he knows not how to go to the city.
Ecclesiastes 10:15
Relying on the outer principles alone without the inner secrets is like the foolish man whose labour wearies not just him alone but everyone.
The inner secrets of
financial breakthrough and wealth creation have to do with the financial blueprint
of each individual which includes;
Your beliefs – what is your belief system when it comes to money and being rich? Are you
one of those who say that “money is the root of evil”? Or that belief, no rich
person is clean? Or any of such erroneous beliefs
Your Habits – what is your money habit? The truth is that some people are where they are because of their money habits. A lot of the bad habits people have without even knowing it have been discussed extensively in Mistakes Of Esau: 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
Your Tendencies – How do you treat money when you get it? Do you nurture and respect it
or do you blow it as it comes?
Your Relatability – How do you relate with people? God or anything you believe in will not
throw money at you. Everything you want and will ever need is already in the hands of
someone, be it an opportunity or favour, and how your relationships with people are will determine if you will
get it or not. Some say that “your network determines your net worth”
Your Self-Image – How do you see yourself? Pitiable or valuable? Tell me in the comment
section below.
All these originate
from the inside out not from the outside in and they are the critical part of
what determines the level of success we can attain and the wealth we can
accumulate. The Holy Book makes us understand
that we are our thoughts, so for you as an individual to enjoy true financial
freedom, you must first change your frame of thinking if need be, because it is
your thinking partner that forms your beliefs and habits in life. To help start you off on that journey of
value reorientation, we suggest you read the book: Mistakes of Esau – 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
No matter how much
money you make or inherit, you will lose it if you lack the inner secrets. We have seen many cases of people who
inherited so much wealth or even amassed it themselves through accidental
breakthroughs and opportunities but not long after, lose everything. Why? We attribute
it to ill-gotten wealth or money rituals.
Often time it is not any of those but just a clear case of a ‘once upon a
time’ lucky chap who did not understand what it takes to domesticate riches to
build wealth. Without the inner secrets, everything you have will one day develop wings and fly away.
Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven
Proverbs 23:5
Jesus in one of His
teaching gave an illustration: "No one tears a piece of cloth from a new
garment and uses it to patch an old garment. For then the new garment would be
ruined, and the new patch wouldn't even match the old garment. "And no one
puts new wine into old wineskins. For the new wine would burst the wineskins,
spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine must be stored in new
wineskins. Luke 5:36-38. The reason 20 per cent of the world’s population controls 80 per cent of the resources and
riches, and vice versa is simply because only a few put in enough effort to renew and master
their minds and thinking, altering their beliefs and bad habits. The vast majority prefer or are deceived
into remaining in the rat race of life, trying endlessly to make ends meet
rather than sitting down to develop an inner capacity to create and retain
It is only a poor man that keeps doing the same thing over and over but expects different results each time
Success and wealth come with their own challenges and to be able to cope with them one needs to master the inner secrets as they impact your outer realities in life.
It is the invisible that creates and controls the
visible. So if you want your outward disposition towards money to change, you
should first change your inner frame. The
invisible does not just control the visible, it is much more powerful.
Conclusively, like
Harv Eker teaches in his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", our success level in life consists of the combination of our thoughts, feelings (invisible), and action (visible). In other words, your thought which is
conditioned by your total environment creates your feelings, and your feelings
inspire your actions [and sometimes inaction]. And it is your actions [consciously
or unconsciously] that birth your results in every aspect of your life and endeavours.
Heed this warning from
a wise king by minding the kinds of information you allow into the storage cabinet
of your mind
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23
Other translations put it thus
Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
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